[ORG PM] Parliamentary Briefing 7/12/2012

Rickesh Shah parliamentary.monitoring at openrightsgroup.org
Fri Dec 7 19:10:08 GMT 2012

Hello all,

Below is the weekly parliamentary and policy brief for the week ending
30/11/2012. The brief is still in beta mode, so as ever, if there is
anything that you would/wouldn't like to see in here please let me know!

Please also spread the word so that other people subscribe! Anyone may
receive our bulletin.


*Official Meetings*
1.            Jim was on the panel of the Conservative Tech Forum on
03/12/12. The panel discussed Surveillance and Identity.
2.            Jim was part of a
panel on Open Data on 04/12/12. The live online discussion with
cabinet secretary Sir Jeremy Heywood aimed to establish how the Open Data
Institute will benefit users and policy making in practice.
3.            Peter attended an Article 19 meeting to discuss copyright and
free expression with global experts
4.            ORG ran Communications Data Bill meetings in Manchester,
Brighton, Birmingham and Sheffield



*Joint Committee on the Draft Communications Data Bill*

The Committee will publish its report on Tuesday; embargoed press copies of
the report are available on Monday. As reported last week, it is expected
to be highly critical of the draft bill.

Links:            ORG Wiki

Joint Committee<http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/joint-select/draft-communications-bill/role/>

*Joint Committee on Human Rights: Defamation Bill*

The Joint Commiittee on Human
publish its Seventh Report, Legislative Scrutiny: Defamation Bill on
12/12/12. A version will be available under embargo from 11am on 11/12/12
if you email the JCHR.

Links: ORG Wiki - Defamation

*Commons CMS Committee*

The third evidence session into the support for the creative industries
took place on 04/12/2012. The Culture, Media and Sport Committee will
assess the impact that illegal downloading has on artists, as well as
exploring the support and finance available to individual artists. The
witnesses included Geoff Taylor of the BPI, Jo Dipple and Andy Heath of UK
Music, and Alison Wenham of the Association of Independent Music among
others. Copyright exceptions and opposition to format shifting was
discussed, with some interesting objections being raised in relation to
licensing cloud services.

Links: Parliament UK - CMS

           ORG Wiki - CMS


Government Bills

*Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill*

The Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill was subject to further scrutiny
by the Grand Committee this week. The Transcript can be found

A further list of amendments to the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill
has been released. These amendments can be found
The Bill now proceeds to the House of Lords Committee Stage on 10/12/12.

Links: ORG Wiki - Enterprise and Regulatory Reform

           Parliament UK - bill

*International developments*

*WCIT Dubai*

The UN ITU conference in Dubai is underway. The conference is discussing
the possibility of future regulatory controls for the internet.

Links - ORG Wiki - ITU <http://wiki.openrightsgroup.org/wiki/ITU> and

            UN ITU <http://www.itu.int/en/wcit-12/Pages/default.aspx>

*Legal cases*

*GoldenEye hearing *

On Monday, ORG will be at the Court of Appeal asking for the judge to
uphold the decision not to release data relating to around 6,000 IP
addresses of O2 and Be Broadband customers. ORG successfully raised £5,000
to fight the case.

Links -  ORG press

            Court of

*Pirate Bay and PromoBay blockings*

Injunctions against Pirate Bay led to a legitimate site
PromoBay.org<http://promobay.org/>being blocked, leading to calls from
ORG for greater transparency over the
injunctions and blocking lists.

Links:   ORG blog<http://www.openrightsgroup.org/press/releases/bpis-promobay.org-ban-lifted/>

            ORG Wiki<http://wiki.openrightsgroup.org/wiki/Pirate_Bay_blocking>


Details of ORG in the news can be found on the ORG Press

This week ORG has been quoted in TechRadar, Silicon Angle, Digital Spy,
IMDB News and TorrentFreak regarding the BPI’s decision to lift the ban on
the Pirate Bay.

BizTechReport and InfoSecurity covered the proposed EU Data Protection
framework and Regulation.

*ORG Contact Details*

Executive Director - Jim Killock jim at openrightsgroup.org

Communications Data Bill campaign - Javier Ruiz Javier at openrightsgroup.org

Copyright & Government Consultations - Peter Bradwell
peter at openrightsgroup.org

Parliamentary monitoring - Ricky Shah -
parliamentary.monitoring at openrightsgroup.org
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